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For Business Owners, Admins, Instructors
Exciting Update to Our Customer Support Experience - September 2024
TeamUp + Stripe Capital (United States)
How to refer other businesses to TeamUpRefer and earn! Help a friend grow their business with TeamUp, and we'll reward you both.
Understanding Registration Settings
Waitlist settings
Registration settings - setting a cancellation cutoff time for Classes and Appointments
What are registration timelines?
Registration settings - set how far in advance customers can register for classes
How to disable waitlists
Adding a new registration timeline
Using a Nightly Blackout Period for Waiting List Spot Expirations and Class Cancellations
Calendar settings
Editing registration timelines
Overriding the "Registrations Open" setting on a specific class
How to set up Age Restrictions
Waitlist overview
Reordering Forms
What's the difference between Forms, Waivers and Policies?
Delete a Policy
Managing Forms on a customer profile
Creating a pre-registration/purchase form
How to create Forms that expire or require customers to resubmit periodically
FAQ: Is it possible to update a policy?
Managing Waivers
Add a Policy
Non-participating sign up form explained
Form Notifications
Create a Form
🎥 Introduction to Customer Forms (w/video)
Pre loaded forms explained
Why can I not delete certain forms?
Deleting Forms
Archiving a Policy
Staff permissions required to manage Forms
Add/Remove Fields to/from a form
Signup Forms explained
How to edit the settings on an existing Form
How can I edit the available genders, and add a preferred pronouns option?
Digital Waiver SignaturesEasily collect and store e-signed waivers from your customers, all within the TeamUp platform.
System Fields Explained
Creating fields
Pre-loaded fields explained
Introduction to Customer Fields
View and edit customer profile fields
How to complete fields on the customer profile
What permissions are required to manage fields?
Understanding and using the customer field list
Editing fields
Deleting Fields
Why can I not delete certain fields?
Enabling marketing preferences
Multiple choice fields
Searching for new customers
An overview of reporting
Reports - Customer Birthdays
Who's missing? Who's not showing up?
How to determine revenue per class type or per instructor
Average customer lifespan
The Activity Feed
Other Customer Reports
Reports - Class Attendances/All Attendances
Reports - Instructor Hours and Pay Rates
Why does my CSV download open in Safari?
Reports - Field Changes
Download Pending and Upcoming Payments
Reports - Discount Codes
Reports - Customer Referrals
Reports - Memberships
Reports - Store Orders
Reports - Slipping Away
Reports - Course Session Attendances
Reports - Waivers
Reports - Classes/All Classes & Appointments
Reports - All Customers
Reports - Membership Holds
How many memberships were purchased during a certain time period?
How many memberships were cancelled during a certain time period?
Reports - All Store Order Items
How to report on the average lifetime value of a customer?
Access the new reports menu
How can I keep track of my customers Penalties and Infractions?This is how you can keep an eye on your customers infractions, and make changes or reset the penalty counter if you choose to.
How do I email all of my customers from TeamUp?
How to resend an invitation to a customer
Add a payment method to a monthly membership for your customer
How can I change the day my customer's recurring membership is billed on?
Delete a customer profile
How to put a customer's membership on hold
Adjust an upcoming payment for a customer
Upgrade or downgrade a membership on behalf of a customer
Add a membership and change the start date
How to remove a discount code from a customer's membership
🎥 Editing, cancelling, and deleting recurring class reservations (w/ VIDEO)
Make a recurring reservation from a customer profile
Cancelling a membership on behalf of your customer
Adjust the account credit amount on a customer's profile
Setting your New Customer criteria
Add a Customer
Registering a customer for a class
Adding a family member to an existing profile
Setting your Slipping Away customer criteria
Adjusting the billing date on a customer's monthly membership
Customise membership usage limits for a specific customer
Adding an image to a customer's profile
How can I make a partial refund on a customer's payment?
How to merge customer accounts
Overriding payment method defaults for individual customers
Record a class usage against a customer's class pack
FAQ: How to export customer marketing preferences
How to upload a customer's vaccination certificate to TeamUp
🎥 Add a membership on behalf of a customer (w/ VIDEO)
How to change or remove a payment method from a customer's recurring membership
Is it possible to undelete a deleted customer profile?
Apply a discount code to new customers only
Add an account credit to a customer profile
Setting your Inactive Customer criteria
How to track and action no shows
How to flag issues on a customer profile
How to add multiple registrations to a customer's profile
How to set up and manage customer check-ins
How to block members from booking sessions
What is 'credit from past subscription'?
Archiving / Unarchiving venues
How to add venues and rooms
Customer settings
🎥 Setting your email branding (w/ VIDEO)
Family Settings
How can I add the Learn To Skate Integration to my business?
Allow customers to book classes or appointments that have already started
How can I change my business address?Changing your business legal address
How do customers use referrals?
Add a referral from the business dashboard
Referral settings
Referral notifications
How to view a customer referral code from your business dashboard
Referrals with families
Viewing who referred a customer from your business dashboard
Introduction to customer referrals
How to cancel referrals
How to confirm referrals
Adding a pre/post course notification
Add a late cancellation notification
View and monitor your Pack Running Low notifications
Introduction to pack running low notifications
Automated Birthday Notifications
Adding a pre/post/milestone Class/Appointment notification
Add/edit/delete a Class/Appointment registration confirmation notification
Updating your notification preferences
Membership purchase notifications
How to edit/delete a Pack Running Low notification
How to create a Pack Running Low notification
Create a pre-post class notification for your staff
🎥 An overview of Notifications (VIDEO)
An overview of SMS notifications
Do customers receive an email when their membership hold ends?
How to enable SMS Notifications (Spain, France, Germany, Ireland and Netherlands)
How to enable SMS Notifications (United Kingdom)
How to enable SMS Notifications (Canada)
How to email customers on a specific membership after attending their first session
How to enable SMS Notifications (United States)
Broadcast Messages - SMS notifications for class attendees
How can I set up Notifications for Penalties?Set up notifications for inform your customers when a Penalty is triggered, or when there's an infraction which counts towards a Penalty.
Sending Broadcast SMS notifications
Does TeamUp work with a card reader?Use Stripe's POS terminal/card reader to take payment from your customers directly with the tap of a phone or card.
How to set up my Stripe Terminal?Follow the steps below in order to complete your Stripe Terminal setup, and start using your card reader.
How can I take payment from my customer using my Stripe Terminal?You can now charge users directly using Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or a credit/debit card without having to add their card details
🎥 Creating Taxes and Fees (w/VIDEO)
Resolving failed Direct Debit payments with GoCardless and TeamUp
How can I block a membership from being used when it has pending offline payments
Managing payment methods for different types of purchases
GoCardless - safe refunds
GoCardless vs Stripe
Unskip previously skipped membership payments
GoCardless - what, why, how?
Confirming, cancelling, editing, and managing pending offline payments
GoCardless - How long do payouts take?
Stripe - what, why, how?
How to make refunds
Cancel a pending payment (GoCardless)
Stripe - How long do payouts take?
How to skip membership paymentsLooking to skip a scheduled and upcoming payment for a customer?
Change the bank account details money gets paid into (Stripe)
How to change your incoming bank account (GoCardless)
Managing cash payments with TeamUp
🎥 Payments, Billing, and Revenue (w/ VIDEO)
Editing upcoming billing
Bulk cancel pending offline payments
Confirming offline refunds
How long will a payment take to complete? (GoCardless)
Where can I see my payouts?
How long do transfers take? (Stripe)
Can customers make payments when my GoCardless account is still in review?
🎥 How to accept payments through TeamUp (VIDEO)
Which cards and payment types can I accept with Stripe?
How to reverse an Account Credit refund
Where are my Stripe Invoices?
A Stripe transaction doesn’t have a name listed, how do I find the customer in TeamUp?
Stripe - using existing customer card detailsHow to link existing card details to your customers in TeamUp
Account Owners explained
Updating staff images
Managing your business account login details and settings
How to resend an invitation to a staff member
How to edit the notifications settings of an existing staff member
Edit staff member permissions
Delete a staff member
Creating instructors and adding them to Classes, Appointments and Courses
Thinking of leaving TeamUp?I want to cancel my TeamUp account? How do I cancel my TeamUp subscription? Can I pause my TeamUp subscription?
Can I use the same email for multiple Staff members?
Disable notifications on TeamUp
How to edit an existing staff member
Adding staff members
How to add a new store product variant to a store item
Gift Vouchers
Cancel an open store order
What can I do with my TeamUp Store?
How to set a store variant to inactive
Managing store orders
Change the order of store products
Adding product images to your store items
How to archive a product
Store order confirmation from class attendance lists
How to adjust product inventory in your TeamUp store
How to share a store product URL to your TeamUp store
How to add postage costs to your TeamUp Store/Shop
Adding products/items to your TeamUp store
Viewing memberships that are not for sale and have no active members
Change the start date on a Pack or Prepaid Plan
🎥 What is One Use Plus pricing, and what can it be used for? (VIDEO)
How to put memberships on hold in bulk
Edit a membership payment plan
🎥 How to remove a membership payment plan and add a new one (VIDEO)
How to add a payment to a recurring membership
How to view active customers of a particular membership
Apply a discount code to an active recurring membership
🎥 Add a Recurring Membership (w/ VIDEO)
Edit Membership Terms and ConditionsHow can I update my membership terms and conditions?
Create memberships for new customers only
Update Membership For Sale Status
Managing membership categories
🎥 How to delete a membership (w/ VIDEO)
Recurring membership Usage LimitsSet up different limits for different class types. Have membership holders register for a certain class for free.
🎥 Add a Prepaid Plan (w/ VIDEO)
Process a pending offline membership payment as an online bill
How to edit or end holds in bulk
Add a payment plan for a recurring membership
Removing holds
Can I send my customers a direct link to a membership?
Managing one on one membership offerings
How to add an image to a membership description
🎥 How to change the price on a recurring membership for new customers (w/ VIDEO)
🎥 How to change the price on a recurring membership for existing customers (w/ VIDEO)
🎥 Add a Pack (w/ VIDEO)
How to change the payment/billing date for all your customers
Pack Usage Limits
How can I change the order my memberships are displayed?
How to update the terminology on your TeamUp account
An Overview of Membership Tools
How to extend expiration dates on packs and prepaid plans
🎥 An overview of Memberships (VIDEO)
How to change your membership cancellation settings
How to create drop-ins in TeamUp
Membership usage - when is it deducted, when is it refunded automatically, and can it be refunded manually?
I have added one-plus pricing but can't see this when making a purchase for a customer
What does "Registrations Blocked" mean?
How to exclude/remove a specific class from your free trial offering
How to see TeamUp as a logged-in customer
Adding your widget to your website
Adding your widget to a Weebly site
Adding your widget to a Wix site
Customize your Customer Site
Add a link to your TeamUp customer site from your Instagram account
Adding your widget to ClickFunnels
Adding your TeamUp widget to your 123 Reg website
How to set up TeamUp's free trial widget
Adding your widget to a GoDaddy site
Setting up your TeamUp Customer Site
The Customer Site URL
Facebook: Update the Action Button to redirect to your TeamUp members site
Adding your widget to a Squarespace site
Adding your widget to a Google Sites website
Adding your TeamUp widget to a WordPress Site
How can I change my logo on TeamUp?
The TeamUp Widget
Why am I seeing “an account associated with this email already exists”
How to add colour to an appointment, class, or course?
Overview of the customer site schedule