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An overview of reporting
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Reports are an instrumental part of any business. They allow you to understand important metrics about your business at a glance.

🎉 We're working on a new and improved reports design with new features! We will be applying this new visual style to all of our reports soon. You can view the new reports here or by heading to Reports and clicking the toggle (as seen below). Let us know what you think in the Product Feedback Portal!

How to use reports

TeamUp offers integrated reporting modules directly within the system, which allow you to create powerful, customised reports.

Reports can help you learn about your business by viewing the data in aggregate. You’ll be able to generate reports for classes, customers, registrations, memberships, referrals, revenue, discounts, store items, etc.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to use and navigate these reports.


Each report contains a set of filters that you can combine to analyse different types of data and keep on top of the key metrics in your business.



Displaying the data

Reports feature custom date filters, a "group by" functionality, and download options for further analysis.

By default, reports will show the raw, unfiltered data. Let's take a look at how you can narrow down the results.

We'll be using the Class Attendances report (Classes >> Reports >> Class Attendances) to demonstrate how this works.

When you first click into the report, you'll see all attendances (the raw data set, unfiltered):



Class & Appointment attendances v2

Use filters to narrow down results, and/or view the report for the desired date range:



And/or group by one or multiple dimensions to produce a report like "Attendance count by venue".

In the example below, we've grouped the attendance count by venue, year, and class type to show the most popular class/venue over time.



You can also view the results as a chart by clicking the 'Chart' button and selecting the desired grouping options.

Downloading the report

In each report, you'll see a 'Download' button which allows you to export the report to a .CSV file (viewable from Excel, Numbers, Google Docs).

Some reports allow you to include additional customer fields* to the download.

*Customer fields are data you've collected from your customers via forms. Examples of fields are "Date of Birth" or "Mobile telephone number" but they can also be questions such as "Where did you hear from us?" or "Do you suffer from heart problems?", or information you require specific to your business such as "Height" or "What level of Pilates experience do you have?". For more information on fields, see Introduction to Customer Fields.


A download to .PDF option is available in some reports.


Types of reports

In the Reports section, you'll find a list of reports grouped by category. Let's take a look at the reports you'll find on this page.


Classes and Courses

  • Class Attendances. The class attendances report allows you to combine multiple filters relating to customers' attendances, such as class type, venue, instructor, etc. and group the information by different dimensions. See how this report works here.

  • Classes. The classes report features a list of all your sessions. This list can be filtered by class type, instructor, venue, day and class status within the desired date range, and there are also multiple "group by" options. Find out more about this report here.

  • Course Session Attendances. Quickly export your course attendances with this report.

  • Instructor Hours. View how many hours your instructors have worked in a period of time. For more information, click here.


  • Referrals. This report gives you insight into your customer referral program. Find out which customers have referred the most new customers, view your pending and confirmed referrals, and more. Learn more about this report here.

  • Birthdays. View a list of upcoming customer birthdays.

  • Field Changes. Find out who's updated any of the fields on their profile with this report.

  • Slipping away. See which customers haven't been attending class lately. For more information, see this guide.

Note: There are other customer reports on the system that will be moving to this section soon, such as the customer data report, which allows you to view all the information you've collected from customers via forms, the inactive customers report and the new customers report. To learn more about them, click here.


  • Invoice Items. See a list of purchases, broken down into individual items. For more information about this report, see this guide.

  • Item Summary. View a purchase summary, organised by purchase type (memberships, classes, courses and store items). Click here for more information.

  • Invoice Transactions. View a list of customer purchases, grouped by transaction. For more details, click here.

  • Upcoming Billing. View upcoming customer payments. See how this report works here.

  • Discount Code Usage. Use this report to view the usage history of your discount codes.


View your TeamUp store's order history and sales with these handy reports.


With this report, you'll be able to generate a membership duration report, view a list of memberships currently on hold, see how many active memberships you have, how many people cancelled their membership, and much more.

To find out more, click here.


In this section, you'll be able to view who's signed your waivers and policies (report coming soon), and completed your forms (report coming soon).

On Demand

In this section you'll find the Content Views report, which lets you see who's viewing your On Demand Content, when, how many times, etc.


⭐️ We're working on migrating all reports to the new design system. At the moment, you'll find the new versions of Classes & Appointments, Store Orders, Field Changes, and Signed Waivers. Watch this space!

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