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Membership purchase notifications
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

This exciting trigger allows you to fully customise membership purchase notifications.

Send email notifications to both business users and customers, with different content depending on the purchase made.

It may be that you want to email a customer every time they purchase a membership or email specific instructions to customers who purchase a particular membership. Maybe you want to email a customer if it is their first membership purchase. All this is possible and much more with this feature.

To get started, navigate to your notifications section, and scroll down to Customer Membership Lifecycle >> Customer Membership: Purchase/Initiation Confirmation >> click 'Detail'.

By default, we'll email all super admins at the business, when a membership purchase is made.

Click the 'add action' dropdown to add a new email notification.

Add a customer email

Options include:

Always sending an email when a membership purchase is made.

Sending an email for a specific membership purchase.

Sending an email when a membership was added to their account (from the business side), renewed, upgraded, or downgraded.

If the membership was the first on the customer's account.

You can also choose multiple conditions if desired. In the below example the customer would be emailed if they were buying the '2 classes per week' membership, and it was the first time they had owned it.

Once you're happy with your conditions. Click 'Continue'.

Now you can enter your email subject and body.

Tip. Use variables in your message subject/body to auto-complete fields.

In the below example the customer first name and name of membership they've purchased will be auto-completed.

Click 'Save Action' to finalise your message.

Your notification is now live and will be sent each time the relevant membership purchase is made.

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