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Unskip previously skipped membership payments
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Payments can be skipped from the upcoming payments tab of a membership:

Only upcoming payments can be unskipped.

Skipped payments for past dates can not be unskipped, and will need to be re-added as Ad-Hoc payments.

Membership details page with skip this payment button highlighted

πŸ’‘ Payments will also be skipped if a membership is on hold, after the payment date has been succeeded.

To unskip a payment:

  1. Go to Customer List and select customer.

  2. Go to the Memberships tab and select the relevant membership. From here you will see there is a 'Skipped Payments' tab, click on this.

  3. You will now see the option to Unskip, next to any skipped payments:

Membership detail page displaying skipped payments, unskip button highlighted

Alternatively, if you're looking to add an ad hoc payment to customers recurring membership to collect a payment instead, this can be done by heading to the Upcoming Payments tab >> Add ad hoc payment

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