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Enabling marketing preferences
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Allow customers to specify their marketing preferences during signup, registration or purchase and within their notification settings.

You can then use this information to decide which customers you'll send marketing to. Head here for more on how to do this.

To enable marketing preferences head to Settings >> Customer Fields >> click on 'Details' button next to the Marketing Preference Field:

On the next page, you'll be able to see the existing settings under the Opt-out Choice section and edit them by clicking on Edit opt-out Settings button where you'll then have the option to tick/untick your choices as desired, including whether you want the customers who opt-out to auto-unsubscribe from Mailchimp automatically too, and Save:

Next, you can also add, edit or remove the current choices pre-loaded by the system automatically if you want or leave as it is. The pre-loaded choices are:

  • Yes, I'd like to receive occasional marketing messages

  • No, do not send me any marketing messages

For example, you may wish to rename the current choices to say "Yes, I'd like to receive your weekly newsletter" and "No, do not send me your weekly newsletter", or even add a third choice if you wish to. Please note that if you add a new choice which is going to be the opt-out choice then go back to the "Edit opt-out choice" and select the new relevant choice added.

Finally, decide which Form you wish to use to ask your customers their marketing preference. To do this click on the "Edit Forms" button you'll see within the Customer Forms section on this same page and you'll then get a new pop-up window with a list of all your existing Forms. Simply tick the Form(s) you want to ask customers their marketing preference and Save:

Note. Marketing preference is considered "enabled" if and only if it is part of any Customer Form.

When enabled, customers who do not have a value for Marketing Preference are prompted to set one on the customer site via an alert.

TIP: The system will have already pre-loaded some Forms for you or you can create a new Form too. For further information on this please see our Pre-Loaded Forms explained and Create a Form help guides.

Customers will then be able to decide their marketing preference by selecting the relevant answer choice available as part of whatever Form you have chosen. So, for example, if you have selected the "Signup Form" new customers will see this during their signup, or if you select a Form which is only required when registering to classes then the customer will be prompted to choose their marketing preference when they next make an applicable registration.

New customers will see this during sign up, and existing customers will see this from their notification settings and via a header prompt in their account (see Customer Side Preview below for examples).

Customer Side Preview

New customers will be prompted to choose their preference on the relevant form as per your settings above.

Existing customers will be prompted to update their settings when logged into their account.

Customers can also update their preference at any point from their "My Account" tab:

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