In order to find the penalties and infractions which have already been recorded, please go to Reports ➔ Penalty Systems ➔ Late Cancel & No-Show Penalties.
In the report that loads, you will find various different statuses which may appear near each infraction, and these are:
The strike was counted towards a penalty fee that triggered a payment but it was not the one that triggered it
The strike has not yet triggered a fee but it’s within the penalty system’s window so it’s still eligible to trigger one
The strike has not triggered a fee and it’s now outside the penalty system’s window so it can no longer trigger one
The strike triggered a fee and the customer has been charged
The strike triggered a fee but the customer has not yet been charged
The strike has not triggered a fee and it’s now outside the penalty system’s window so it can no longer trigger one
The strike is associated with a penalty system that has been edited, archived or its penalty count has been reset
The strike triggered a fee but the payment was later voided or skipped
The report will also display the following information:
Customer Name - The customer this penalty is for
Penalty Actions - The infraction which triggered the penalty
Date/Time - When the penalty was triggered
Event Type - Which event the infraction took place in
Venue - The venue of the event
Customer Membership - The membership they used to register for the event
Penalty Name - The name if the penalty triggered
Penalty Amount - The amount the customer has been or is due to be charged
Payment Due - When the customer will be/has been charged
If you hover over the ⓘ icon displayed next to the status of a penalty, it will outline the infractions attributed to that penalty.