How to see TeamUp as a logged-in customer
Adding your widget to your website
Adding your widget to a Weebly site
Adding your widget to a Wix site
Customize your Customer Site
Add a link to your TeamUp customer site from your Instagram account
Adding your widget to ClickFunnels
Adding your TeamUp widget to your 123 Reg website
How to set up TeamUp's free trial widget
Adding your widget to a GoDaddy site
Setting up your TeamUp Customer Site
The Customer Site URL
Facebook: Update the Action Button to redirect to your TeamUp members site
Adding your widget to a Squarespace site
Adding your widget to a Google Sites website
Adding your TeamUp widget to a WordPress Site
How can I change my logo on TeamUp?
The TeamUp Widget
Why am I seeing “an account associated with this email already exists”
How to add colour to an appointment, class, or course?
Overview of the customer site schedule
Lead Management