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Add a late cancellation notification
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Use this notification to email customers who late cancelled from a class, and remind them of your cancellation policy.

Create the email

Head to Notifications >> Class Registrations >> Class: Pre-class/Post-class/Milestones >> click 'Detail'.

Then, click 'Add notification'.

When would you like the action to take place?

In this example, the email will be sent 2 hours after a class starts.

You can choose to always send this email to customers who late cancel. Or maybe you only want to send to customers of a specific class type.

In this example, we'll always send this email to customers who late cancel, so we've selected:

Click 'Next' to move on to the next step.

Now, you'll be able to add a customised email subject and email body that will be sent to the intended recipients.

Use the placeholders in the subject and body to auto-complete things like recipient name, class name, and class start time.

Click 'Create' to finalise your notification.

Your notification is now live and will be sent each time the action criteria are met.

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