How to change the prices on your Class Types
Adjusting the Class Type visibility
How to cancel a class (on a specific date and time)
How to archive a Class Type
How to create a class that repeats every 2, 3, 4 weeks
An Overview of the differences between Classes and Appointments
π₯ How to set up a Class Type and schedule (w/ VIDEO)
How can I send my customers a direct link to a class?Send customers a direct link to a class
Link your class timetable to your calendar (iCal, Google & Outlook)
Bulk cancel classes between two dates
Track your recurring reservations
Changing the class size limit on a time slot
How do refunds work when a customer removes themselves from a class?
An overview of recurring reservations
How to view your cancelled classes
How to un-cancel a class (on a specific date-time)
How to end a time slot
How to change a class name
How to edit a Class Type's details, pricing and schedule
How to edit a class (on a specific date and time)
π₯ How to check off attendance (w/ VIDEO)
Cancelling classes, class schedules, and Class Types
How to add an internal note to a class
Bulk timeslot editing
How to run one on one sessions with a pre-set timetable
Add alternate pricing for specific class times
How to cancel a class time slot
How to create donation-based classes
Delete an alternate pricing on a class
π₯ Make a recurring class reservation for a customer (w/ VIDEO)