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Transitioning to To-dos
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

In February 2020, we centralised items that need attention from you in a single section called To-dos.

These items can be anything that requires attention on your end, such as confirming payments, referrals, store orders, or reviewing payment failures, etc.


We're acutely aware that running a business can be fast-paced, and so we thought, Let's make it easier for businesses to see which items need attention from them. The To-dos section allows users to navigate to one place where anything needing attention can be reviewed and actioned as required.
This is just one step towards improving how users navigate TeamUp.

Below we'll run through which items have moved to the To-dos section.



  • Referral confirmations, which used to be actioned from Customers >> Referrals - Pending now sit under To-dos >> Referrals.*

*Once confirmed, confirmed referrals can now be viewed from Customers >> Reports >> Customer Referrals.

Store Orders

  • Pending store orders, i.e., orders that require being marked as paid and/or delivered, have moved from Store >> Store Orders to To-dos >> Store Orders.

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