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Managing store orders
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

From the To-dos section, you'll be able to create new orders, mark orders as paid/delivered, or cancel them.

How to mark orders as "delivered"

Store orders that haven't been marked as delivered will appear as actionable items in To-dos >> Store Orders.
To confirm delivery on a single order, click the 'Deliver' button.

To confirm delivery on multiple orders, tick the checkbox to select all, or tick the desired orders, and click 'Deliver'.

How to mark orders as "paid"

Cash payment orders that haven't been marked as paid will appear as pending payments under To-dos >> Offline Payments.

To confirm a payment, tick the desired customers, or tick all. Then, click the 'With selected' button, and click 'Confirm'.

In the popup window, you'll be able to edit the confirmation date if needed. Click 'Confirm all'.

If you wish to forgive/cancel the payment, but not the order, simply select the "Void" option, as seen above.

How to cancel orders

How to create a new store order

You may want to create a store order from the business dashboard from time to time. For example, you might have customers who purchase items in person instead of via the customer site.

To add a new order, head to Store >> Store Inventory >> click 'Add an Order'.

Or, head to To-Dos >> Store Orders >> click 'Add an Order'.

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