Viewing memberships that are not for sale and have no active members
Change the start date on a Pack or Prepaid Plan
π₯ What is One Use Plus pricing, and what can it be used for? (VIDEO)
How to put memberships on hold in bulk
Edit a membership payment plan
π₯ How to remove a membership payment plan and add a new one (VIDEO)
How to add a payment to a recurring membership
How to view active customers of a particular membership
Apply a discount code to an active recurring membership
π₯ Add a Recurring Membership (w/ VIDEO)
Edit Membership Terms and ConditionsHow can I update my membership terms and conditions?
Create memberships for new customers only
Update Membership For Sale Status
Managing membership categories
π₯ How to delete a membership (w/ VIDEO)
Recurring membership Usage LimitsSet up different limits for different class types. Have membership holders register for a certain class for free.
π₯ Add a Prepaid Plan (w/ VIDEO)
Process a pending offline membership payment as an online bill
How to edit or end holds in bulk
Add a payment plan for a recurring membership
Removing holds
Can I send my customers a direct link to a membership?
Managing one on one membership offerings
How to add an image to a membership description
π₯ How to change the price on a recurring membership for new customers (w/ VIDEO)
π₯ How to change the price on a recurring membership for existing customers (w/ VIDEO)
π₯ Add a Pack (w/ VIDEO)
How to change the payment/billing date for all your customers
Pack Usage Limits
How can I change the order my memberships are displayed?
How to update the terminology on your TeamUp account
An Overview of Membership Tools
How to extend expiration dates on packs and prepaid plans
π₯ An overview of Memberships (VIDEO)
How to change your membership cancellation settings
How to create drop-ins in TeamUp
Membership usage - when is it deducted, when is it refunded automatically, and can it be refunded manually?
I have added one-plus pricing but can't see this when making a purchase for a customer
What does "Registrations Blocked" mean?
How to exclude/remove a specific class from your free trial offering