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The Community Happiness feature
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 5 months ago

Community Happiness is TeamUp's reputation management tool.

💡 Reputation management tools allow businesses to request customer reviews and track their brand reputation by monitoring reviews, comments, and brand mentions on social media, review sites, and other online sources.

Community Happiness features a 5-star reviewing system where you can:

  • Prompt customers to submit reviews with an email notification

  • Integrate external review accounts (Google & Facebook)

  • View and manage all reviews in a dedicated report

  • Respond directly to reviews from external sites within TeamUp

  • Encourage loyal customers who submit good reviews to post them on your external review sites

  • Leverage powerful AI technology to help your customers write thoughtful reviews based on keywords

How to enable the Community Happiness feature

To get started, head to Pro Tools >> Community Happiness.

By default, the feature will be in a disabled state. To enable it, click the toggle under 'Status'.

🔔 Please note this is an add-on feature, and you will be charged £20/$29/€24 per month with your monthly TeamUp subscription. You will be charged the prorated amount, which is calculated based on the billing day of your TeamUp subscription fees. You can enable/disable this feature at any time.

How to enable the Community Happines feature on TeamUp.

How to configure the Community Happiness feature

1. Configuring the settings

Once you've enabled the feature, you'll be able to view and configure the following options:

  • Intervals. This is the minimum time between requests for reviews for customers that have attended a session, as per the conditions set in the next step. When these conditions are met, the customer receives an email prompting them to leave a review (you can see and edit the email body content in your Notifications).

    Setting intervals for Community Happiness emails.

  • Conditions. Next, you'll be prompted to select the conditions that trigger the review email for customers. You can select one, multiple, or all of the below. You can also get more granular by selecting specific event types, instructors, and/or venues.

Community Happiness settings page; conditions select form.
  • Advanced. From this section, you'll be able to link external accounts to allow customers to post reviews directly here, track submissions and respond to reviews directly from TeamUp. At this time, we're supporting Facebook and Google.

    • How to link an external review site. To link an account, click the "Link to..." button below Facebook or Google. You'll then be taken through an OAuth flow to authorize the sync.

Community Happiness advanced settings

Once done, you'll be redirected automatically back to TeamUp, where you'll be able to see the Google or Facebook account you've just connected.

If you have a multi-location account on Google, you can specify which location you want to link:

💡 You can link additional Facebook and Google accounts by clicking the "Link another account" button, as seen below. This is useful if you have multiple accounts for specific locations.

Please note that each time you add a Google account, you'll need to go through the OAuth flow again. This is due to security reasons and also so that TeamUp can sync with any new pages or accounts you've created on Google.

❗️Once an external account has been synced with TeamUp, it will sync all reviews, even ones posted before the syncing occurred. You can see all these reviews in your Community Happiness report.

The 'Details' button gives you key information that's currently being listed on that account, such as the address, business hours, and contact details, so you can quickly check that you have up-to-date information on your external accounts.

The details button in the Community Happiness advanced settings.
  • How to unlink an external review site. To unlink, simply click 'Remove' next to the desired account.

Community Happiness advanced settings with the 'remove' link highlighted.
  • AI-powered reviews. The Community Happiness feature supports AI-powered reviews. This means that instead of the customer writing their own review, they could just select keywords and have the review auto-generate for them.

Here, you'll be able to create up to five keywords:

Community Happiness AI powered review setup.

Once you're finished setting everything up, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

2. Setting up your Community Happiness notification

The Community Happiness notification lives under Notifications >> Customer Lifecycle - Community Happiness: Reputation Management Reviews.

The Community Happiness notification on the Notifications page in TeamUp.

To view or edit the email, click 'Detail' next to it.

By default, the email subject and body will be populated with some text, but you can change this to suit your needs. You can customize the content by editing the text and adding variables.

The Community Happiness notification editor.

❗️Please note that the ##{{ link_url }} variable is required, as this will redirect your customer to the page where they can submit their review. To get a preview of what your customers see when they click this link, see What do my customers see?

IMPORTANT! When does the notification get triggered?

The Community Happiness notification gets triggered when all of the below happen:

  1. The conditions set in the Community Happiness configuration settings have been met.

  2. The customer's attendance has been checked off. Please note that a customer needs to be marked as attended to get a review request email notification.

📧 If you add the customer and check off their attendance within 30 minutes of the end of the session, they will receive the email. Customers added or checked off more than 30 minutes after the session will not receive the email.

What do my customers see?

When the conditions you've configured in your Community Happiness settings are met, customers will receive an email requesting a review.

When the customer clicks the link in the Community Happiness email, they're directed to a unique webpage with your logo that shows the information about the class they attended and the review prompts.

Customer Happiness customer review site.
Community Happiness review page.

Your customer will be prompted to rate the event that triggered the email and write a comment - here, they also have the option to use the AI tool to write their review.

AI-review submission in TeamUp's Community Happiness tool.

Before submitting, they'll be able to review and edit the review created by AI.

Edit page for an AI-generated customer review.

Once they've submitted their review, if they left a four or five-star review, they'll be prompted to share their review on external review sites.

Post review thank you page for a 4 or 5-star rating.

For anything under four stars, they don't get the share option, as seen below.

Post review thank you page for a 1 star rating.

Where can I view and track my reviews?

The Community Happiness report

In your Reports, under 'Customers - Referrals & Reviews', you'll find the Community Happiness report, which displays all the reviews you've collected through TeamUp and/or external sites.

If it's your first time viewing the report, you'll see a modal with information about how Facebook reviews are converted to the Community Happiness 5-star system. You can choose to close this modal, which will trigger it the next time you view the report, or click 'Don't show again' if you don't want to see it anymore.

Please note that if you haven't yet collected reviews, the report won't contain any data.

Once your clients start completing reviews, the report will populate with their review data. By default, the report displays data from the last 60 days.

Let's take a look at how to navigate the report!


At the top of the page, you'll see two widgets showing:

  • Reviews submitted by customers in the last 60 days

  • Your average review rating in the last 60 days


You can use the filters to narrow down the results shown on this page. For example, if you wanted to see the average rating for a specific instructor, you would search and select the desired instructor.

You can also use the date picker to see results from a specific date range, and you can configure which columns you want to view.

Summary table

Each row shows:

  • The customer's name.*

  • The date/time of the review.

  • The customer's star rating.

  • Their comment. We've shortened longer comments to fit the report, but you can see the full comment by hovering over the comment (as seen below).

  • How the review was submitted (through TeamUp or an external site).

  • An 'Actions' column which allows you to respond to a review on an external site or see your previous responses. Please note that for existing responses, you can't edit, but you can see what you responded.

*💡 If we're unable to fetch the customer's name for any reason, or they submitted it as an anonymous review, the customer will show as 'Anonymous' on the report.

❗️Please note that if the review was submitted directly to TeamUp, the option to respond to the customer does not exist (this is only available for submissions to external sites).

Community Happiness report.

Downloading the report

To export the report to a .csv file, click the 'Download' button in the top right corner.

The Activity Feed

Your Activity Feed on TeamUp shows a log of review requests sent to customers. To narrow down the Activity Feed, select the Community Happiness item from the 'All Item Types' menu, as seen below. To see the details of the notification a customer received, click the envelope icon next to their name.

Community Happiness items on the Activity Feed.


If I add a customer to a session after it's finished, will they receive the review request email?

If you add the customer and check off their attendance within 30 minutes of the end of the session, they will receive the email. Customers added or checked off after the 30-minute mark will not receive the email.

Can a customer edit a review after they've submitted it?

After a customer has submitted their review, they aren't able to edit, delete or remove their review. Once submitted the review will stand.

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