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How to create one-off events in TeamUp
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Setting up workshops, parties, master classes, and other one-off events.

TeamUp allows you to schedule and take payment for one-off events, such as workshops, parties, special classes, etc., quickly and easily.

Let's take a look at how to do this!

Create the event

  1. Create a Class Type. To schedule the event, first, you'll need a Class Type. This could be an existing Class Type or a new one you create for the event. See this guide if you need help creating a Class Type. For example, if you host seasonal parties, you might create a class type called 'Parties'.

  2. Schedule the event. Once you have the Class Type set up, you can schedule the event. See the steps below:​

Set up pricing for the event

Now that you have your event, it's time to configure the pricing and how customers purchase. There are multiple options here:

a) The event is free for everybody (people with or without a membership)

If the event is free, you'll need to set the price to "0" so that everyone can book free of charge.

One way to do this is from Classes >> Class types >> click Class Type name >> click 'Sessions & Pricing' >> click 'Edit' >> select 'Allow Drop-ins' and set the price to 0.

This will make the price "0" for any future events you schedule under this Class Type. If you just want to make the price 0 for this event, jump to the option below!

Alternatively, you can make the price 0 on just this event instead of the Class Type. To do this, head to Calendar >> click event >> click the pencil icon next to the pricing options >> click 'Allow drop-ins' and set the price to 0 >> click 'Save'.

b) The event is free for members, but non-members need to pay

To make the event free for members, you'll need to go into each membership, allow the event, and make it separate from the membership's limits (if the membership is unlimited, you can skip this and simply add the Class Type to it). This will allow members to book it free of charge.

To do this, head to Memberships >> Memberships >> click the membership name >> click 'Edit' next to Usability >> select the event Class Type >> under 'Frequency Restrictions', make the event "separate from", as seen below:

To set the non-member price, follow the same steps as in a) The event is free for everybody (people with or without a membership), but enter the non-member price instead of "0"*.

Everybody needs to purchase a ticket, but members get a discounted price

To set the non-member price, follow the same steps as in a) The event is free for everybody (people with or without a membership), but enter the non-member price instead of "0"*.

To create the discounted price for members, you can:

Everybody needs to purchase a ticket, and the price is the same for everybody

To create the price, follow the same steps as in a) The event is free for everybody (people with or without a membership), but enter the event's price instead of "0"*.

*💡Alternatively, you could create a pack of 1 to book the event (instead of adding the drop-in fee to the Class Type). Drop-ins and packs both allow customers to pay for and book the event - the difference is that with drop-ins, customers get a monetary refund if they cancel within the allowed cancellation window, whereas with packs, customers get the usage returned to their pack, but they do not get an automatic refund (you can refund them manually if you wish).

There are multiple ways to create events in TeamUp, so if the options we've outlined above don't work for you, please reach out to our Support Team. We're happy to help!

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