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Non-participating sign up form explained
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Signup Forms are mandatory when your customers first sign up on the customer site. They don't expire and they are not linked to any offerings or memberships.

These forms are the first step when creating your customer's TeamUp profile for your business. Once they've completed signup, they will then be able to access and purchase your offerings.

Your account includes two signup forms, which can be managed from Forms/Documents >> Customer Forms >> Signup forms.

  1. The Signup Form that all participating customers complete. For more information on this form, please see Sign-up forms explained

  2. The Non-Participating Signup Form, for non-participating parents signing up their children only. On the customer site, parents are asked if they will be participating in classes as well. If they choose 'No' because only their child is participating, they will be prompted to fill out the 'Non-Participating Signup Form'. Note: The marketing preference field is not asked on child signup forms. If they choose 'Yes', they will be required to complete the regular signup form instead.

Managing the non-participating signup form

This form can be edited from Forms/Documents >> Customer Forms >> Signup forms >> click 'Details' next to Non-participating signup form.

On the next page, you will be able to edit/add fields asked on this form.

For a step-by-step guide on how to add/edit the fields on a form, please see Add/remove fields on forms

Once edited, any non-participating family managers that sign up from now on will have to complete the relevant Fields selected.

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