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Form Notifications
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Your staff may need to be notified when forms are submitted by customers. For instance, they might want to call to welcome your customers or may need to review medical history as soon as it's submitted by a customer.

A notification email will be sent for each form that is submitted by a customer.

Form submission emails

Head to My Account >> Notifications to edit the Customer form submissions.

From here you can toggle the notification On/Off.

This notification type has an additional configuration that allows a staff member to receive email submissions for some but not all Forms.

Tip. The All, Only, All Except pattern allows the staff member to receive exactly the submissions they care about.

Preferences are per staff member

Email preferences are per staff member. Therefore, each staff member has their own additional configuration, and different staff can receive notifications for different subsets of Forms.

Providing your staff members have the correct permissions, they can enable Customer form submission notifications. Staff can update their own notification preferences to enable this.

If you're an Admin or Owner of the account you can edit notification preferences for your staff too.

Email content

When staff receive form submission emails, the content of the email includes the customer's answers for that form. The main button in the email is a link to the customer's profile, where the staff member can see everything about the customer.

Legacy behaviour

Before Customer Forms, we only had custom questions, the emergency contact form, and the contact form.

We had a single email, the "requirements complete" email, that was sent to all staff when all information was provided.
Now that forms are fully customisable and independent of one another, we now send one email per form instead.

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