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How to change a class name
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

In this guide, we're going to take a look at how to change a class name.

There are two ways to change a class name:

  1. On an individual class. This will change the name of the class for a specific date and time, but any other classes that belong to the same Class Type will remain unaffected.

    Example: You have an SGPT Class Type. The September 29 class will be a special class for beginners, so you want to change the name of just that class to "SGPT for beginners".

    To change the name of an individual class, head to Calendar >> click class >> click 'Options - Edit' >> edit the name and click 'Submit' to save.

    2. On the Class Type. Altering the name on the Class Type will change the names of all the classes scheduled under that Class Type.

    Example: You have a Trapeze Class Type, and you want to change the name of every class in this type to "Trapeze for Beginners".

    To change the name on the Class Type, head to Classes/Appointments >> Class Types >> click name >> click the cog and select 'Edit' >> change the name >> click 'Save Edits'.

❗️It's not possible to change the name of a time slot within a Class Type.

If you need to rename all the classes in a time slot
, we'd recommend cancelling the time slot and then re-adding it as a separate Class Type with the desired name.

Please note that when you cancel a time slot, any customers that are registered for upcoming classes will be removed, so they will need to re-register for the new class.

In the example below, you wouldn't be able to name the Monday slot something else - you would have to cancel this slot, create a new Class Type with the desired name and add a Monday 19:00 slot to it.

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