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🎥 How to set up a Class Type and schedule (w/ VIDEO)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Classes are one-off or recurring events that allow customers to book a session from a preset timetable.

A "Class Type" separates what a Class is from its schedule. Think of types as templates. For example, you run Yoga classes in the morning and need to create an evening schedule. Instead of starting from scratch, you can head to your Yoga Class Type and simply add the evening hours.

In this guide we're going to take a look at how to create a Class Type, how to add a repeating time slot, and how to add a one-off session.

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In this guide, we'll take a look at:

💡If you're looking to create a new Appointment Type instead, see How to set up an Appointment Type.

Create a new Class Type

Navigate your way to Classes/Appointments >> Class types >> click ‘New Class Type’:

On this page, you'll be prompted to complete the information listed below:

  • Name. The name of the class.

  • Description. Add a description to let your customers know what the class is about.

  • Visibility. Who should be able to see the class on your timetable?

  • Registration settings . When customers can register and leave. All existing timelines in Settings >> Registration >> Registration timelines will be displayed here as options*.

💡* If you need to create a different registration timeline for your new Class Type, select any of the existing ones for now. After you have finished setting up a your Class Type, you can add a new registration timeline, and then come back and add it to your Class Type.

  • Allow non-members to register? Can customers who don't have a membership pay a drop-in price for the class?

  • Decide which memberships can be used to book this class.

💡Use the advanced settings to charge an additional fee per class registration on top of the membership usage.

Once you're happy with your settings, you can ‘Create Class Type’. Your Class Type is now created!

Next, you will need to set a schedule for this type so that it appears on your timetable and customers can start booking it.

Scheduling a Class Type

Here you can schedule your classes. You have the option to do this as Weekly Time Slot or as a one-off Class.

Note. Weekly Time Slots create classes at the same time each week.
One-Off classes happen exactly once, at the date and time you choose.

Select the desired time slot. In this example, we'll add a repeating time slot.

Weekly times slots

The below class schedule repeats 8-9 am Monday and Wednesday every week.

One-off time slots

The below class happens on 20th November from 5-6 pm. This class does not repeat. The class size limit is 10.

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