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πŸŽ₯ How to set up an Appointment Type (w/ VIDEO)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

How to create an Appointment Type.

The Appointments scheduling feature allows you and your staff to set your availability and manage your schedules. Your clients will be able to check your schedule and book their own 1-2-1 appointments.

To get started with Appointments, first you'll need to create your Appointment Types, which is what we'll cover in this guide. We'll also take a look at how to edit and archive existing Appointment Types.

πŸ’‘ If you've already created your Appointment Types and are looking to schedule an appointment for a client, see Scheduling an Appointment for a client.

πŸŽ₯ Watch the tutorial

πŸ“•Read the tutorial

Head to Classes/Appointments >> Appointment Types. From here, you'll be able to:

Create a new Appointment Type

Click 'Create an Appointment Type'.

TeamUp create Appointment Type button.

In the next step, you'll see an accordion-style form with three sections that you'll need to complete (Appointment Details, Pricing & Memberships, and Instructors & Schedules).

This form allows you to complete and save only one section of the form. For example, if you know you want to create an appointment type but don't know all of the details yet or haven't set up your instructors or memberships, you can save it as a draft (which is only visible on the business side) to be completed later.

Let's take a look at the three sections in the form:

Appointment Details

  • Appointment name. Here, enter the name that best describes the service you're offering. Examples: 1 on 1, consultation, massage, check-in, etc.

  • Duration. This is the length of the appointment. If you offer shorter or longer appointments of the same type, you'll need to create a separate Appointment Type for each one. For example, a 30-minute massage would be an Appointment Type and a 60-minute massage would be a separate Appointment Type.

  • Slots start every. This setting allows you to configure when each slot starts. You can choose, 'Auto', which will start each slot based on duration and buffers, or select a value from the dropdown. In the example below, slots start every 15 minutes plus the times set in the before and after buffers.

  • Buffer - before. If you need to block some time before each appointment, enter the desired value in minutes. If not, leave "0"*.

  • Buffer - after. To block time after each appointment, enter the desired value. If no after buffers are needed, leave as "0"*.

    *Note. If both buffers are left as "0", the 'Slots start every' setting will apply. If 'Slots start every' and both buffers are set to "0", appointments will be back to back.

  • Select an Image. Appointment types are displayed in a gallery-style section both on the business side and the customer site. Here you can add the image that's displayed in the gallery.

  • Description. Enter a description for the Appointment Type.

  • Registration. These settings determine when customers can register and leave. You'll be prompted to create a new registration timeline each time you create a new Appointment Type.

    Any new timelines created via an Appointment Type will be saved in Settings >> Registration >> Registration timelines.

    For more information about each one of the registration settings, see What are registration timelines?

  • Visibility. Who should see the Appointment Type? Select "Everyone" if it's public, "Membership Holders" if only customers that have purchased a membership should be able to see it, or "Business Only" if only you and other members of staff should be able to view it.

  • Venue. Here you'll be prompted to select a venue. Appointments work with online venues and offline venues.

If you're using the Zoom integration, any appointments scheduled at this venue will automatically create a meeting in Zoom, just like classes. For more information about the integration with Zoom, see An Overview of the Integration with Zoom.

If you choose a physical venue, you'll be asked if you'd like to assign a room to the appointment. If you select "Yes", as seen below, you'll be able to choose one or multiple rooms*.

*Rooms prevent space conflicts. Appointments will be assigned to an open room automatically (clients will not need to choose their own room). No two appointments can happen in the same room at the same time. For steps on how to create venues with rooms, please see How to add a venue.

You can also create a room straight from this form (it will be automatically assigned to the venue you've selected).

Once you've completed all the Appointment Type details, click 'Save' to move on to the next step. If you don't want to finish setting up the Appointment Type just yet, you can navigate away from this page and everything will be saved as a draft so that you can come back to it later.

Memberships & Pricing

In this section you'll be able to:

  • Allow a drop-in fee to book the Appointment Type, if needed, and set the price.

  • Select which memberships can be used to book this Appointment Type, if any. If you're yet to create your memberships or would like to create a new one, you'll need to do so from Memberships >> Memberships >> 'Add Membership'. You'll be able to add the Appointment Type from the membership create form or come back to this section and link the desired membership/s to this Appointment Type later.

Once done, click 'Save' to move on to the next step. If you don't want to finish setting up the Appointment Type yet, you can close this page and everything will be saved as a draft so that you can pick up where you left off later.

Instructors & Schedules

In this section, you'll be prompted to add the instructor or instructors that are available for this Appointment Type.

Only instructors that have a schedule, i.e., the times when they're available for appointments, will show up here. However, you can add new instructors and even new schedules for existing instructors straight from this page. Let's take a look at each use case:

1. Add an existing instructor with a schedule

To add an existing instructor whose schedule has already been created, click 'Add +' and select the instructor from the popup. Once selected, you'll be prompted to choose which schedule - if they have multiple - you want to link to this Appointment Type.

If the instructor has multiple availability schedules, you'll be able to link one, several, or all to the same Appointment Type, as seen below:

Click 'Save' to finalise, or click 'Add +' to continue adding instructors/schedules.

2. Add an existing instructor, and edit one of their existing schedules

Follow the same steps as above to select an existing instructor's schedule. Then, click the dropdown next to the instructor's name and click the pencil icon to edit that schedule.

Important! Please note that any changes made to this schedule will also apply to any other Appointment Types this schedule is linked to. If you need to create a NEW schedule for the instructor, please see below: 'Add an existing instructor, and create a new schedule for them'

3. Add an existing instructor, and create a new schedule for them

Click 'Add +' and select the desired instructor. In the dropdown next to their name, select 'Add Schedule', which will direct you to the schedule create form.

Here, add a name for the schedule, select the desired availability and click 'Save & Return'. Once done, you'll see that the new schedule you've just created has been added to the Appointment Type. Click 'Save' to finalise, or click 'Add +' to continue adding instructors/schedules.

4. Add a new instructor and create a schedule

If the instructor you want to add doesn't exist on the system, you can create an account and a schedule for them straight from the Appointment Type.

To get started, click 'Add+' and enter the instructor's name and email address. Then, select their permissions. If you choose 'Limited permissions', they'll be allowed to manage the sessions and attendances of the sessions they instruct, and if you choose 'Admin', they'll have access to everything on your TeamUp account. Read more about permissions in 'Adding Staff Members'.

Click 'Create Instructor'.

On the next page, you'll be prompted to create the instructor's availability schedule. By default, it's named 'Default Availability Schedule', but you can change it to whatever you want. Once you've added the schedule, click 'Save & Return', and the instructor/schedule will be linked to the Appointment Type.

If you want to add another schedule for your new instructor and link it to this Appointment Type, you can do that from this form. For steps, jump to 'Add an existing instructor, and create a new schedule for them'.

Edit an Appointment Type

To edit an Appointment Type, head to Classes/Appointments >> Appointment Types >> click 'Details' next to the desired Appointment Type.

Archive/Unarchive an Appointment Type

To archive an Appointment Type you'll no longer be using, head to Classes/Appointments >> Appointment Types >> click 'Details' next to the desired Appointment Type >> click 'Appointment Details' >> scroll down to set the Status to 'Archived' and save changes.

If you need to unarchive an Appointment Type, head to Classes/Appointments >> Appointment Types >> click 'View Archived' >> click 'Details' next to the Appointment Type >> follow the same steps as above, but select 'Status - Active' instead. Once done, the Appointment Type will show as active.

πŸ‘£ Take the tour

Let's walk through each step of setting up a Class Type and its schedule together!

❗️Before starting the tour, make sure you're logged into your business TeamUp account first.

➑️ Start the tour

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