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How to archive a Class Type
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Class Types can't be deleted, but they can be archived, which will remove the class from your active Class Types list.

Note. If you're looking to archive an Appointment Type, see How to set up an Appointment Type.

To archive a Class Type, head to Classes/Appointments >> Class Types >> click the name of the desired class.

Before archiving a class type, you must first remove any schedules associated with that Class Type (see How to delete a class schedule for more on this).

Navigate your way to Classes/Appointments >> Class Types >> click desired Class Type. Here, click the gear icon and then 'Archive'.

Click 'Archive Class Type' once more from the next page, to confirm the removal of this class type.
​Note. Archiving a Class Type will remove this completely. Please note you will not be able to reinstate this Class Type once it has been archived.

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