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πŸŽ₯ Add a Prepaid Plan (w/ VIDEO)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Prepaid plans bill customers once upon purchase and are good for a set time.

For example, you want to create a 6-week challenge and have customers pay upfront. A prepaid plan accommodates this setup perfectly and also allows you to add usage restrictions if needed, i.e., customers can attend a set number of classes/appointments per week.

Let's take a look at how to set up a Prepaid Plan!

πŸŽ₯ Watch the tutorial

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Add a prepaid plan

To create a prepaid plan, head to Memberships >> Memberships >> click 'Add a Membership' and select the prepaid plan option.

Understanding the Prepaid Plan create form

You'll need to complete the sections below in order to create a prepaid plan.


In this section, you'll be prompted to enter a name for your prepaid plan, select which category* it should be displayed under (you'll be able to select an existing one or create a new one), add a description, and set the status to "for sale" or "not for sale".

*Note: any categories you create will be visible to you from Memberships >> Memberships. Customers will also be able to view these categories from the customer site. If you have any empty categories or categories that contain hidden memberships, these will not be displayed on the customer site.

We'll show you how to create hidden memberships below.

Wondering what your memberships look like on the customer site? Head to Customer Experience >> Customer Site >> copy the URL and paste it into a browser window or tab.

Customer Site

This part of the form allows you to configure your prepaid plan's settings for purchases made through the customer site.

The visibility setting allows you to create a prepaid plan that's visible from the business side exclusively or one that customers can see and purchase from the customer site.

You can decide whether customers can purchase the prepaid plan via one of your payment methods or if they need to contact you in order to purchase.

You can also choose to limit purchases to one per customer and/or to new customers only (think of a free trial class for new customers, for example).


Prepaid plans can begin on the date of purchase, on the date of first registration (i.e., the date of the customer's first class or appointment), or on a specific date.
​Note. If you choose "Begins on date of first registration", please note that customers should register for the class coming up soonest first.

You can make the prepaid plan valid for a set number of days, weeks, months, or until a specific date.


Here you'll be prompted to enter the price. Customers will make a single payment for the prepaid plan at the time of purchase.


In this section, you'll be able to configure which classes/appointments and/or courses customers should be able to book and their allocation.

You can choose to have no restrictions or set limit usage by adding a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly allocation*.

*Prepaid plans do not support limits on the total number of uses. If you need to limit the total number of uses, create a pack instead.

By default, when a customer is marked as a no-show, their credit is not returned. If you wish to override this setting, tick the 'ignore no-shows' option.

If the membership grants customers access to On Demand Content, you'll be able to link it to the desired content from a Collection in the On Demand section.

For more information on how to set up on-demand products, see An Overview of On Demand Content.

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