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Deleting Forms
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

When a form is deleted, that form's name and structure are permanently removed from your TeamUp account.

Deleting a form does not delete the customer data, however, not even data collected when the customer submitted that form, as forms are simply a way to collect customer data in the first place. Once collected, the data then exists as the customer's value for that field, independent of how that data was entered.

For example, if you deleted a form you had been using to collect your customers' height, the height field would still exist on Settings >> Customer Fields and all the height data you collected from customers who completed the form would be available to download from Customers >> Customer list >> Export filtered list.

Which forms can be deleted?

Any form created by a staff member can be deleted, however, there are certain forms, known as pre-loaded forms, which are automatically created by the system that cannot be deleted. They are:

  • The Signup and the Non-participating signup forms.

  • The Contact Form, Emergency Contact Form, and Customer Form.

See our pre-loaded forms explained guide for more information on what each of these forms contains.

How to delete a Form

To delete a form, go to Forms/Documents >> Customer Forms >> click the 'Details' button next to the form name >> and click "Delete" button in red:

On the next page, tick the box to confirm you understand the implications and click the red 'Delete Form' button.

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