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Adding products/items to your TeamUp store
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Your TeamUp store offers you the option to add a product, select your inventory, and add any differentiating attributes. Sell your fitness products and services 24/7, and streamline operations with automated transactions.

In this guide, we'll cover

Your Store Settings

Set up attributes and purchase terms and conditions can be done before or after an item has been added to your store.

- What is an attribute? An attribute is used to define variants of your products. This can include size, color, and postage options.

Head to Store >> Story Inventory >> Options >> Store Settings to set up or review your settings.

Add as many attributes as you may need for your store options, you're also able to delete them later.

Set your purchase terms and conditions which will be displayed to your customers during checkout.

Add a product to your TeamUp store

Adding a product to your TeamUp store can be done by heading to Store >> Store Inventory >> Options >> Add a Product

On the next page you'll be asked:

  • Product name - this will be the name displayed to your customers

  • Image - choose to upload a photo of the product

  • Product Description - share any details for your customers

  • Attribute - do you offer a variety of this option? For example, if you offer a T-shirt in blue and in green, using a colour attribute will allow your customers to choose between these options.

  • Store status - choose whether you'd like to show the item in your store to the public, choose to hide the item, or hide it on your list but people are still able to purchase it.

  • Initial Inventory - how many of these products do you have in stock?

  • Price - what will the cost of this item be?

💡If you have Tax/Fees associated with your items you'll be able to include this in the price of the item. See the following guide for more information: Can I add VAT to my prices? Can I add taxes to purchases?

Make adjustments to your Store inventory

Once you've added a product to your store, your inventory allows you to set up the number of stock items you have.

You'll have the options to:

  • Add more stock to your inventory

  • Reduce the number of stock you have

  • Log a return to the inventory

  • Log a cancelation back to the inventory

To adjust your inventory settings, head to Store >> Store Inventory >> Choose your product >> Options in grey at the bottom >> Inventory Details >> Adjust Inventory

Add an order on behalf of a customer

A customer may have received an product whilst at your business, to log this order on behalf of the customer, head to Store >> Store Inventory >> Add an Order

You'll be asked to Select the amount of a product >> Select the customer >> Any special instructions >> Purchase options

With payments options:

  • If there are saved payment details, these can be used to purchase the item.

  • If they've paid outside TeamUp, you'll be able to confirm you've received the payment or zero it out.

  • If a customer has no payment details for this item, you'll be to ask them to purchase the item themselves.

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