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Add/Remove Fields to/from a form
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

A Form's Fields come from the Customer Field Section.

There will be times when you'll want to add/remove an existing field to a form or add a question to a form that doesn't exist in the Customer Field section.

The Add/remove fields page makes this really easy.

Adding/Removing existing Fields to a Form

Head to Forms/Documents >> Click 'Details' besides the desired Form >> Click Add/remove fields.

Existing fields can be added or removed quickly and easily, just click the 'Add' or 'Remove' buttons as required. Your updates are saved automatically.

Click 'Return to Form' when you've finished adding your fields.

Creating new Fields on a Form

When you need to create a new Field for one of your Form's, this flow creates the field in the Customer Field Section and adds it to the Form in a single action.

Multiple Fields can be created and added at once.

Head to Forms/Documents >> Click Details besides the desired Form >> Click Add/remove fields

Each field created will ask for:

  • A label, "How did you hear about us?", that specifies what the data means.

  • A type, for this example it's 'Single line of text', which tells you what kind of data the field holds. There are several types to choose from: single line of text, long text, date, yes/no, whole numbers, decimal numbers, one choice, multiple choice, address, and phone number.

  • Whether it appears on the customer profile. Fields set as "Show on the customer profile page?" appear on the customer profile page on your business dashboard (Customers >> Customer list >> search customer) and can be edited from here as well.

  • Whether it is asked when you create customers via your business dashboard. Fields set as "Ask when adding customers via the business dashboard?" are shown to staff when creating customers on your business dashboard.

After you've created your Field you will have a few options:

  1. Create another Field in the same way as above.

  2. View the fields the form currently includes by clicking the + symbol

  3. Return to the form you started on. Click the Return to Form button.

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