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Make a recurring reservation from a customer profile
Make a recurring reservation from a customer profile
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a month ago

Recurring reservations can be made easily from Classes/Appointments >> Reservations. Click here for more on how to do this.

You can also make recurring reservations from a customer profile (Customers >> Customer List >> search customer).

Just head to the customer profile in question, and then to the registration tab.

From here select 'New Recurring Reservation', then select the membership you would like to use for the reservation.

If required, you can also add a different membership to use for this recurring reservation.

Note. We'll guide you back to the correct step once the membership has been added.

Now choose the time slot you want this recurring reservation to be made for.

In the below example it will start on 3rd July 2016, for Strength class at 10:00-11:00.

Finally, set the duration of the recurring reservation. You can keep the reservation running until the membership expires, or for a set number of weeks.

Click 'Create Recurring Reservation' to finalise the reservation.

You'll see an overview of the reservation now. Click here for our guide on editing or deleting reservations if required.

Note. Recurring reservations only book 5 weeks in advance, so classes beyond the 5 weeks will be marked as not attending, until they are 5 weeks away.

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