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πŸŽ₯ How to manage an instructor's Availability Schedule/s (w/ VIDEO)
πŸŽ₯ How to manage an instructor's Availability Schedule/s (w/ VIDEO)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

Add availability hours for appointments. How to block schedules during holidays, sick leaves, etc. How to delete a schedule.

If you're using the Appointments feature on TeamUp, you'll need to create availability schedules for your instructors so that you can link their schedules to the relevant Appointment Types.

πŸŽ₯ Watch the tutorial

πŸ“•Read the tutorial

In this guide we'll cover:

What is an 'Availability Schedule'?

A 'Schedule' or 'Availability Schedule' defines the times an instructor is available for appointments.

Each instructor can have one or multiple schedules. For instance, let's say you want to create morning and afternoon schedules for your instructors or that you want to create venue-based schedules - you can do this by adding multiple schedules.

The scheduling tool also allows you to block times and create overrides where needed (the regular weekly schedule applies unless an individual day has an override).

Do your instructors teach multiple events? Don't worry, TeamUp ensures appointments can't be booked while the instructor is instructing a different event.

Where is the Schedule tool?

There are a couple of different ways you can access the scheduling tool:

  • From Staff >> Staff Management >> next to a staff member's name, click 'Options - Manage Availability'.

  • From Staff >> Instructor Availability >> click 'Manage Availability' next to a staff member's name.

How to navigate the Schedule tool

Once you're in the tool, you'll be able to edit and add schedules and create overrides if needed.

In the example below, we're in instructor Joe Blogg's availability. Joe has three different availability schedules: Joe's PT Schedule, Joe's Morning Schedule, and Joe's PM Schedule.

Let's take a look at how it all works.

How to add a Schedule

When you first create an instructor, you'll see they have a default availability schedule. This schedule is empty, i.e., every day of the week will be set to 'unavailable', and can be renamed anything you want, or you can delete it and start from scratch if you wish.

You can start working with the default schedule above, or click 'Add Schedule'. Instructors with previously created schedules also have the '+Add Schedule' option.

To add a new schedule, click '+Add Schedule' and enter a name:

Once created, you'll see that the schedule is split into regular hours and override hours and that you can block time and edit the schedule's name.

Let's take a look at each of the actions mentioned above:

  • Add/edit/remove regular hours. Manage the hours on this schedule.

  • Create override hours. Override the hours for certain days on this schedule by adding different availability intervals or setting as unavailable.

  • Edit the schedule's name.

  • Delete the schedule.

  • Block time. Block time on this and all other schedules for this instructor by adding unavailability intervals or setting as unavailable.

Add/edit/remove regular hours

This is the section where you'll add/edit the days and times the instructor is available on this schedule.

  • Add

By default, every day of the week will be set to 'Unavailable'. To add availability, click a day of the week and, in the popup, select more days of the week if needed. In the example below, the schedule we're going to create applies to Saturdays and Sundays:

Then, enter one or more time intervals, as seen below. Once done, click 'Apply'.

Once done, you'll see that the 'Regular Hours' timetable is populated with the details you entered:

Using the screenshot above as an example, if we were to link Joe's Weekend Schedule to an Appointment Type, clients would be able to book sessions with him on Saturdays and Sundays, from 7:00 am-10:00 am and 11:00 am-1:30 pm.

  • Edit

To edit the schedule, simply click the day of the week and add/remove times as needed.

Create override hours

  • Create override

From time to time you might need to override an instructor's regular schedule to change their hours or mark them as unavailable.

To do this, head to the 'Override Schedule' section and click a date. If you need to override multiple dates at once, select the desired dates in the popup and adjust the availability settings as needed.

In the example below, we'll be creating an override for 19th and 26th March:

Then, we can:

  • Set days as unavailable, as seen below.

  • Add different hours. If the schedule on those days is different from the regular schedule, enter the desired schedule as seen below.

Days with overrides are highlighted in yellow on the timetable.

  • Edit an override

To edit an override, click the desired dates and adjust the availability as needed.

  • Remove override

If you need to remove an override entirely, select the desired dates and click 'Restore default schedule' as seen below.

Edit a schedule's name.

To edit a schedule's name, click 'Edit Schedule', change the name and click 'Save'.

Delete a schedule

To remove a schedule entirely, click 'Delete Schedule', and click 'Save'.

Important! Deleting a schedule will automatically remove it from all Appointment Types associated with it.

Block time

If you need to block time across all schedules, click the 'Block Time' button.

  • Create block

In the popup, select the dates you want to apply the block to:

Then, you can:

  • Block the entire day for the selected dates.

  • Or set unavailability intervals for the selected dates.

Blocked times are highlighted in purple on the timetable.

Important! Remember, blocks apply to all of the instructor's schedules.

  • Edit block. To edit a block, head to the Override Hours schedule, click the blocked interval on a day, and select other days in the popup if needed. Then, adjust the hours and click 'Apply'.


  • Delete block. To delete a block, head to the Override Hours schedule, click the blocked interval on a day, and select other days in the popup if needed. Then, click 'Remove Block Time'.

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