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Viewing your referral code
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

If a business you're signed up for has a referral program, you'll be able to view and share your referral code/link from:

  • If you're logged in via the website, head to the 'Referrals' tab on your dashboard.

  • If you're using the TeamUp app, tap on your profile.

On the website

On the app

How will I know someone used my referral code?

On the website

Select My Account >> Referrals to access your referral information

If you are a family manager, you will also be able to see your codes in this section.
From here, you will be able to copy your referral link or code to start sharing!

πŸ’‘ The link and the code do the exact same thing. The main difference between the two is that the link will take the person you're referring directly to the TeamUp sign-up page and will have the referral code field pre-filled with your code, while with the code, users will need to click the sign-up link on TeamUp and enter your code

On the app

Tap on your profile to view your code.

To share your code, tap the code. Then, tap the share button to open the sharing menu on your phone.

How will I know when someone's used my referral code?

You will receive an email notification every time:

  1. Your code is used at signup by another customer.

  2. When the referral has been confirmed by the business and you've received your reward.

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