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Editing upcoming billing
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 3 weeks ago

It may be that you want to change the billing amount of a customer payment i.e. Christmas shut down, change the date the payment is due, or skip a payment that is no longer owed. This is all possible and more.

In Billing/Revenue >> Upcoming Billing, you have filters that allow you to refine your search before editing anything.

In this example, we want to look at all customers on the Unlimited Membership, and payment dates in December 2023.

Click Options >> Reschedule Payment

In this example, we're changing the payment date from 8th to 12th December.

Other options include:

- Skipping a payment. Once skipped they can be reviewed from upcoming billing.

💡 Use filters to view only the payments you've chosen to skip.

- Change the payment amount.

- View all payments in retry. Use the 'Retrying' filter to show all.


- Check if any customers are missing their payment method.
If you have the customer's payment details to hand, click on the membership below their name, and then click No Method >> Add Payment method.


If you are looking to change the membership price for all existing customers in bulk, see here.

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