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Add a Policy
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

At TeamUp we ask customers to accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Our policies cover details of how customer data is used and stored within TeamUp.

When customers opt-in to our policies they are agreeing to how we will use their data, as intended within the system.

You can add your own policies to be accepted by your customers. For example, add your own privacy policy or terms of service.

All customers will have to complete your policies once they're in effect.

New customers will do this during sign-up. Existing customers will do this before interacting with your customer site.

You'll be able to set these up under Forms/Documents >> Policies

Add a Policy to go into effect immediately

Head to Forms/Documents >> Policies and click Add a Policy.

Enter the name of your policy and add the policy text you'd like customers to accept.

Note: The effective date will always default to today's date. This date can be changed to a future date as desired but customers won't be forced to agree to the policy until the effective date is reached.

Text location allows you to decide where the text will be held. This can be within TeamUp, or you may want to add your own site URL so customers can view a policy you have on a hosted page (see further below for more information).

Once you're happy with your settings click 'Create' to set the Policy live.

Existing customers will be prompted to accept the policy the next time they visit your customer site.

New customers will have to accept the policy on the sign-up form.

Note: TeamUp will also have its own policies which new customers must accept. We'll define which policies relate to the business and which relate to TeamUp.

Add a Policy to go into effect in the future

Note: Policies that go into effect in the future can be optionally agreed to until the effective date. Once the effective date is reached customers will have to accept the policy.

Head to Forms/Documents >> Policies and click 'Add a Policy'. Here you'll:

1. Add the policy name and text as required.

2. Update the effective date to your required future date.

3. Click 'Create' once you're happy with the settings.

Logged-in customers will now see a view and accept option from their account, and can optionally accept the policy before the effective date if they want to.

Adding a policy with the text hosted on an external page

You may already have your policy text hosted externally. If this is the case you can link directly to the hosted page.

Head to Forms/Documents >> Policies and click Add a Policy.

Enter the name and effective date as desired.

Set Text location to On an externally hosted page and enter the external page URL this is hosted on.

Now when customers view the Policy they'll be redirected to the URL you specified.

๐Ÿ’กIf you make any substantial changes to the externally hosted policy text, we recommend adding a new policy to request acceptance from your customers again.

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