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The TeamUp Widget
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

If you'd like to embed the TeamUp Customer Site rather than just link to it, you'll need to use the embed widget.

This widget is a short code block you can copy and paste directly into your website (you'll need to have access to your website's HTML for this*).

In this guide we'll cover the widget types:

  • Standard

  • Free Trial

  • Specific Pages (NEW!)

*Are you working with a developer? You can create a staff account and limit their permissions to give them access to this section only on TeamUp.

Widget types

There are three different embed types for the widget:

Here you'll need to choose your embed type, select your desired configuration options, and copy the resulting embed code, which you'll then need to paste into your website.

Most website builders make it easy to embed your Customer Site with only a few steps - at the bottom of this page, we have instructions for some of the most popular site builders.

Let's take a look at each embed type:

1. Standard

This is the widget you'll need to use to give customers access to all the features on your Customer Site.

When selecting this option, you'll be able to configure:


By default, the widget width is set to 100%, but you can change this to something else.

Default view

This is the default view of your widget.


You can also decide if you want to show events happening in all your venues or specific venues.

Note that when you select the 'Show events at specific venues' option, you can choose to hide the venue selector entirely from your Customer Site.

💡 The code on the side changes as you select the different default view and venue options. Once you have the desired combination, click 'Copy code'.

2. Free trial

This version of the widget has been designed to streamline the process of getting new customers to sign up and into a free trial class.

When a customer signs up through this widget, a membership of your choosing (for example, a free trial drop-in pack) will be added to their account automatically, and they'll be prompted to book their first session.

You can use this widget to help promote your business/free trial on social media; for example - customers will be able to sign up for their free class in just a couple of clicks. To install this widget, please see How to set up TeamUp's free trial widget. Streamlines getting new customers signed up and into a free trial class. Applies a membership of your choosing and prompts customers to book their first session.

When you select this embed type, you'll be prompted to choose which free membership you'd like to link to it - this is the membership that will be added to the customer's profile when they create an account through this widget.

When selecting this option, you'll be able to configure:

Free Trial Membership

This selection is from your "free" memberships that a customer is allocated upon the streamlined signup process.


By default, the widget width is set to 100%, but you can change this to something else.

Default view

This is the default view of your widget.


You can also decide if you want to show events happening in all your venues or specific venues.

Note that when you select the 'Show events at specific venues' option, you can choose to hide the venue selector entirely from your Customer Site.

💡 Note that the code on the side changes as you select the different default view and venue options. Once you have the desired combination, click 'Copy code'.

3. Specific pages

The widget will only include the pages you select. You can choose one or multiple pages.


By default, the widget width is set to 100%, but you can change this to something else.

Default view

This is the default view of your widget.

- If you only have one page selected, this will be the default view.
- If you choose to display multiple pages on your widget, you'll be prompted to select a default view, as seen below.

Some of the page options show a tooltip next to them. This is because these pages require additional setup to display them on your Customer Site.

These pages are:

  • Store

  • On Demand

  • Appointments

  • Referrals


You can also decide if you want to show events happening in all your venues or specific venues.

When you select the 'Show events at specific venues' option, you can choose to hide the venue selector entirely from your Customer Site.

💡 Note that the code on the side changes as you select the different default view and venue options. Once you have the desired combination, click 'Copy code'.

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