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Reserve a class time slot
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Register for recurring sessions with this handy feature. For example, you may always attend the same class each week i.e. Saturday 9 am. Use this option to ensure you hold the space continuously.

πŸ’‘ This feature is only available on your account if the business has chosen to enable it.

Select the class you want to reserve from the schedule

You will now need to choose whether to register for the single session or to reserve the time slot you have selected from the schedule.

If you have a family account, you will need to select which customer to make the reservation for.

Click "Begin a new reservation" to make a consistent ongoing reservation.

As the class type and time slot are already known, you'll go straight to selecting a membership.

πŸ’‘ If you already own a membership you can use this instead of purchasing a new one

The final step is to set the reservation duration.

  • Change the start date of the reservation if you want it to start in the future.

  • You can also set end date on the reservation. Although in most cases you will probably want to leave the end date as 'Open-ended - until membership expires' to ensure you continuously hold the slot for as long as your membership allows.

  • For a recurring membership, this will be indefinitely, until either the membership is cancelled or the class is changed.

  • For class packs and fixed-length memberships, the reservation will only last as long as the pack allows i.e. 10 class packs would only allow 10 weeks of classes before the reservation ends.

Click purchase (or Reserve if you already have a valid membership) to finalize the reservation and complete the transaction.
You'll be taken to an overview of your reservation. Which you'll always be able to access via My Account >> Reservations

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