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How to manage and track Gympass attendances in TeamUp
How to manage and track Gympass attendances in TeamUp
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

When a Gympass member books a class, they'll be automatically registered in your TeamUp account as a customer, and they will also show up on your class attendee lists and reports.

The main difference between Gympass attendees and others is that they need to check themselves into the class via the Gympass app. Once they've checked in and you have marked them as attended in TeamUp, Gympass will trigger your payment for the confirmed attendance.

In this guide we'll cover:

Keep reading for more details on how to manage and track Gympass customers' attendance!

Managing attendance

When a customer signs up for one of your classes via Gympass, they'll be automatically created as a customer in TeamUp (if it's their first time booking). You'll be able to find them on your Customer List (Customers >> Customer List) just like you would any other customer.

The customer will also be listed on the class attendee list (Calendar >> click class). Gympass attendees are marked as having registered via Gympass, as seen below, so you'll be able to differentiate them easily from other attendees.

Checking off attendance

❗️The main difference between Gympass attendees and other attendees is that Gympass customers need to check into the class via the Gympass app. Once the customer has checked in via Gympass and you have checked off their attendance in TeamUp, Gympass will trigger the payment to your Gympass account for that registration.

There are two things you need to do in order for Gympass customers' attendance to be checked off in TeamUp and Gympass:

  1. Ensure that the customer has checked in via the Gympass app. This is something only the customer can do (you can't do it on their behalf). It's important to monitor this because Gympass pays their partners based on customers' check-in status.

    In the screenshot above, you'll notice that there's a 'Gympass pending' status pill under Gympass customer Robert Singer - this indicates that the customer has booked the class but hasn't yet checked in via the Gympass app.

    You and your staff can easily check whether a customer has checked in via Gympass by looking at their check-in status on the class attendee list in TeamUp. Here are the statuses you'll see under Gympass customers:

    1. Gympass pending. The attendee is yet to check in via the Gympass app. Nothing needs to be actioned from your TeamUp account.

    2. Gympass validated. The customer has checked in via the Gympass app and their check-in has been validated with Gympass.

    3. Error. There are three possibilities (you'll be able to see which one it is by hovering over the "Error" pill):

      • Gympass could not validate the check-in because the customer cancelled their check-in. In this case, the customer will need to check in again via the Gympass app.

      • The customer's check-in expired. This means that the customer checked in, but they weren't marked as attended from TeamUp, so their check-in expired. Check-ins via Gympass expire after 20 minutes. If a check-in expires before you've confirmed that attendance, you'll need to ask them to check in again via the Gympass app and mark them as checked off in TeamUp.

      • The customer has not checked in yet. This means that you tried to prematurely check off their attendance in TeamUp before they checked in.

    4. Checked in. The customer has checked in via the Gympass app, pending validation. Nothing needs to be actioned from your TeamUp account.

    5. Pending. The customer has not checked in yet via the Gympass app. If the customer is in class, we'd suggest reminding them to check in.

  2. Check off their attendance in TeamUp by clicking the checkmark next to their name, just like you would any other customer. This will mark them as "attended" in TeamUp. Please note that this will not mark them as attended in Gympass.

    Please note that if you're using the Kiosk feature, customers will be able to check off their own attendance in TeamUp.

What happens if a customer cancels their registration via Gympass?

If they cancel their registration via Gympass, they'll be removed from your TeamUp attendances list automatically.

Tracking registrations and attendance

You can easily keep track of how many registrations you're getting from Gympass from the Attendances Report.

🎉 We're working on a new and improved reports design with new features! We will be applying this new visual style to all of our reports soon. The Attendances Report mentioned above is the new version of the Class Attendances report. You can toggle between the old and new reports here. Let us know what you think in the Product Feedback Portal!

Here, you'll be able to filter by booking source to see which registrations were made via Gympass, as seen below.

You can narrow down the results even further by filtering by attendance status:

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