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All CollectionsIntegrations with TeamUpGympass
Why am I getting an error when I enter my Gympass Gym ID?
Why am I getting an error when I enter my Gympass Gym ID?
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

This might be due to one of the reasons below:

  • The Gym ID is incorrect. Try copying it from Gympass and pasting it into TeamUp again. See this guide for help with finding a Gym ID.

  • Gympass hasn't enabled their API on your account. The integration will only work if Gympass has enabled their API on your account. You can request for Gympass to enable the API at [email protected] (please include your gym's name, Gympass GymID, and your email address). If it hasn't been enabled yet and you try to integrate from TeamUp, you'll receive an error message.

  • The Gym ID is linked to a staff member on another one of your TeamUp accounts. We recommend having a dedicated staff member in the business per TeamUp account who manages the integration. The reason for this is that a Gym ID can only be used and synced in one TeamUp user account. If you need to change the staff member that's linked to a Gym ID, please contact our Support team in the chatbox below, and we'll action this for you.

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