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Triggers in Zapier
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

TeamUp integrates with Zapier.

A Trigger is the event that starts a Zap, e.g., when a customer profile is created or a membership is purchased. Once you've set up a Zap, Zapier will monitor for that trigger event in your TeamUp account.

We have created multiple triggers, which we will explain below:

We’re always keen to learn about new requirements, so please let us know if there’s anything else that would be helpful!

Customer triggers

Trigger 1: Customer Updated

Customer Updated is sent to Zapier when something changes on a customer profile. This could include:

  • Email address or name

  • A field, for example, is an answer to an injury question

  • Something else

The data sent from TeamUp to Zapier when this happens includes:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Profile fields, including emergency contacts, address, and any other custom fields you created using the TeamUp Customer Fields feature and are collected on a Form

  • URL for their profile photo

  • Email

  • Other TeamUp-specific data like profile ID number

  • A "flags" field that lets you know if a customer is active/inactive, slipping away, or new.

Customer updated flags field.

This allows you to create automations based on the customer status. As an example, with Mailchimp and similar tools, you could build a Zap that adds slipping away customers to a specific audience that then triggers an email sequence.

Customer updated flags field being used in a zap.

Trigger 2: Customer Created

Customer Created is very similar to Customer Updated with the exception that it just runs once when a customer is created. The set of data that is sent also similarly includes:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Profile fields, including emergency contacts, address, and any other custom fields you created using the TeamUp Customer Fields feature and are collected on a Form

  • URL for their profile photo

  • Email

  • Other TeamUp-specific data like profile ID number

Membership triggers

Trigger 3: Customer Membership Created

Customer Membership Created runs when a new membership is purchased by a customer or added from the business account.

It includes the following set of data:

  • Name and description of the membership

  • Expiration date

  • Recurring billing schedule and description

  • Start date

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Dates and usage summary

  • Other TeamUp data, including membership ID

Trigger 4: Customer Membership Started

Customer Membership Started runs when a customer membership starts.

You can decide in Zapier if your Zap should pick up a customer membership purchase with a start date set in the past.

Similarly to Customer Membership Created, it includes the following set of data:

  • Name and description of the membership

  • Start date

  • Expiration date

  • Recurring billing schedule and description

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Dates and usage summary

  • Other TeamUp data, including membership ID

Trigger 5: Customer Membership Ended

Customer Membership Ended runs when a customer membership ends due to the expiration date being reached.

Note. Customer Membership Ended will also be triggered for packs on either the expiration date or the date of the last class/appointment it was used for, whichever comes first.

Similarly to the other membership triggers, it includes the following set of data:

  • Name and description of the membership

  • Start date

  • Expiration date

  • Recurring billing schedule and description

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Dates and usage summary

  • Other TeamUp data, including membership ID

Trigger 6: Customer Membership Cancelled

Customer Membership Cancelled runs when a customer membership is cancelled. This is sent when a user clicks the “cancel” button for a recurring membership.

Similarly to the other membership triggers, the following set of data is included:

  • Name and description of the membership

  • Start date

  • Expiration date

  • Recurring billing schedule and description

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Dates and usage summary

  • Other TeamUp data, including membership ID

Trigger 7: Customer Membership Completed

Customer Membership Completed runs when a pack customer membership is complete, which is when the last usage has been used.

Important: this triggers as soon as the customer books into the class/appointment, not after they've been checked off as attended.

Similarly to the other membership triggers, the following set of data is included:

  • Name and description of the membership

  • Start date

  • Expiration date

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Dates and pack usage summary

  • Other TeamUp data, including membership ID

Referral triggers

These triggers are related to the Customer Referrals feature on TeamUp.

Trigger 8: Referral Created

Referral Created runs when a new customer signs up using another customer's referral code or when you mark a customer as being referred by a different customer from your end.

The following set of data is included:

  • Referrer customer profile fields, including name and email

  • Referred customer profile fields, including name and email

  • Other TeamUp data, including customer ID

Trigger 9: Referral Confirmed

Referral Confirmed runs when you confirm a referral.

The following set of data is included:

  • Referrer customer profile fields, including name and email

  • Referred customer profile fields, including name and email

  • Other TeamUp data, including customer ID

Class/Appointment Registration and Attendance Status triggers

Trigger 10: Class Registration

Class Registration runs when a customer registers for a class/appointment, or when you register a customer for a class or schedule an appointment for a client from the business side.

The following set of data is included:

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Customer membership

  • Customer attendance status

  • Customer waitlist position

  • Event fields include name, start time, date

  • Other TeamUp data

Trigger 11: Class Attendee Removed

Class Attendee Removed runs when a customer unregisters from a class/appointment within the allowed cancellation period, i.e., doesn't late cancel, or when you remove them from a class/appointment from your end and mark them as a regular cancel (as opposed to a late cancellation).

The following set of data is included:

Trigger 12: Class Attendee Late Cancelled

Class Attendee Late Cancelled runs when a customer late cancels from a class or appointment, or you remove them from a class/appointment and mark them as a late cancel.

The following set of data is included:

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Customer membership

  • Customer attendance status

  • Customer waitlist position

  • Event fields including name, start time, date

  • Other TeamUp data

Trigger 13: Class Attendee Checked Off

Class Attendee Checked Off runs when a customer is marked as attended by an instructor or another staff member.

The following set of data is included:

  • Customer profile fields including name and email

  • Customer membership

  • Customer attendance status

  • Customer waitlist position

  • Event fields including name, start time, date

Trigger 14: Class Attendee No-showed

Class Attendee No-showed runs when a customer is marked as a no-show by an instructor or another staff member.

The following set of data is included:

  • Customer profile fields, including name and email

  • Customer membership

  • Customer attendance status

  • Customer waitlist position

  • Event fields, including name, start time, date

Event (Classes, Appointments, Courses) ended triggers

Trigger 15: Class or Appointment Ended

Class or Appointment Ended runs when a class or appointment ends.

The following set of data is included:

  • Event name

  • Start and End time

  • Occupancy Total

  • Attending Count

  • Waiting List Count

  • Instructor List

Trigger 16: Course Session Ended

Course Session Ended runs when a course session ends.

The following set of data is included:

  • Event name

  • Start and End time

  • Occupancy Total

  • Attending Count

  • Instructor List

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