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The TeamUp Business API integration
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

If your requirements go beyond linking to or embedding the Customer Site, we have an API you can use. For more information about the API, please see The TeamUp API.

The Business API allows users to interact with TeamUp as if they were a staff member at a business. In this guide we're going to walk you through how to submit an application to generate your API keys from your TeamUp account.

๐Ÿ’กIf you need API keys for the Customer API instead, please see this guide.

In this guide we'll cover:

How to submit an application

You can submit an application for the Business API and obtain credentials instantly from the Integrations (Settings >> Integration) page on TeamUp. For further instructions, please see below:

Creating multiple API applications

You can submit as many Business API applications as your need. Once you've submitted the first one, as seen above, you'll be able to go back into Settings >> Integrations >> API Integration and head to 'Manage Applications' to create more.

How to delete an application

We're working on implementing a delete function that allows you to remove applications individually. In the meantime, if you need to remove an application, please contact our Support Team (via the chatbox in your TeamUp account or at [email protected]).

How to revoke access

We're working on a revoke function that allows you to revoke access for all your applications. In the meantime, if you need to revoke access, please contact our Support Team (via the chatbox in your TeamUp account or at [email protected]).

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