Add a link to your TeamUp customer site from your Instagram account

How do I add a bio or a website to my Instagram profile?

You can add a link to your TeamUp customer site in a few ways.

Add your customer site URL to the Website field

  1. Log-in to your Instagram.

  2. Navigate to your profile page by tapping on your profile image.

  3. Click 'Edit Profile'

  4. Paste your customer site URL into the Website field. The URL for your customer site can be found from Customer Experience within TeamUp.

Use a tool like to link to all your relevant URLs

You can create an account via the above link, and once you have it should give you the option to add your TeamUp customer site URL (or any URL you would like to add) to the list and customise the call to action, so in this case 'Book Now' or similar.

Once done;

  1. Log-in to your Instagram.

  2. Navigate to your profile page by tapping on your profile image.

  3. Click 'Edit Profile'

  4. Paste your customer site URL into the Website field. The URL for your customer site can be found from Customer Experience within TeamUp.

The above steps are taken from:

You can write a bio on your profile including the customer site URL

Please keep in mind that anyone can see your bio.

To edit your bio:

  1. Go to your profile.

  2. Tap Edit Profile at the top of the screen.

  3. Write your bio and add the URL to your website hosting the TeamUp widget, or your customer site URL.

  4. Tap Done (iPhone) or  (Android).

The above steps were taken from the Instagram help centre.

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