Reordering Forms

Can I reorder my forms in TeamUp?

Registration and purchase Forms can be reordered as required, by simply dragging and dropping them up or down the order.

The order forms are displayed matters:

  1. On the Forms list page.

  2. When customers submit multiple forms as part of a registration or purchase.

Why does the order matter?

When multiple forms will be presented to a customer, you may want to ask for information in a certain order. For instance, you may wish to ask for emergency contact information before you ask for medical and injury history. To achieve this you'll reorder the forms so the first form is at the top.

This is how the form order looks to a customer with the emergency contact form third in the order.

And this is how it looks with the emergency contact form moved to the top of the order.

How to reorder forms

Reordering can be done in Forms/Documents >> Customer Forms.

The two columns of dots on the right-hand side indicate that forms can be moved by dragging.

Simply click and hold on the dotted area and move the form up or down the order.

You will see the form move as a ghosted image while moving. The other forms will be moved out of the way while you are moving a form.

Note. The Sign-up Forms cannot be re-ordered. These are forms that all customers must complete first. However, you can decide what Fields go on these Forms

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Re-ordering Forms

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